Employment Law -- Employee

What Are My Options If I Have Been Denied Unemployment Benefits?

You have the right to appeal the Determination issued by the Employment Security Department. Contact any ESD office or the Arkansas Appeal Tribunal. An appeal must be in writing and should include the Social Security Number and the name of the claimant in the case. A copy of the determination being appealed should be attached to the appeal. The appellant may file an appeal by letter or by using an ARK­AT­213 Request for Appeal to Appeal Tribunal form.

The Appeal Tribunal or an AESD Local Office must receive your appeal within the 20­day appeal period shown on the Determination. Remember that you must continue to file weekly claims during the appeals process. If a decision in an appeal case allows a claimant benefits, benefits will be payable only for any week for which the claimant filed a valid weekly claim form.

At the Appeal Tribunal level, the parties will have a reasonable opportunity for a hearing before a hearing officer, followed by the officer’s decision on the appeal.

A further appeal may be made to the Arkansas Board of Review using form ARK­BR­100 Request for Appeal to Board of Review. The appeal must be filed within twenty days after the mailing of the Decision of the Appeals Tribunal. It may be filed, in person or by mail, at any AESD office, at the Appeal Tribunal office, or at the Board of Review. After the Board has reviewed the complete record of evidence as forwarded by the Appeal Tribunal and any additional evidence the Board may have directed to be taken in further hearing, the Board will reach a decision in the case and mail it to the parties.

All final decisions of the Board of Review are appealable to the Arkansas Court of Appeals. Appeals must be filed within twenty calendar days after the mailing date of the Decision of the Board of Review.

Contact information is as follows:

P.O. Box 8013
100 Main Street Building, Suite 460
Little Rock, AR 72203

Telephone Numbers: (501) 682­1063
Inquiries: (501) 682­1063
Voice Mail for Responding to Notice of Telephone Hearing: (800) 637­6110
Fax: (501) 682­7734

P.O. Box 8016
Little Rock, AR 72203

Telephone Numbers: (501) 683­4300
Fax: (501) 6834310

625 Marshall Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

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