Family Law

Locating The Non-Custodial Parent

To get a support order, establish paternity or enforce a support order, the FSD or local child support agency must know where the non­custodial parent lives and/or works. By providing the FSD or local child support agency as much information as possible, the custodial party can help locate the non­custodial parent and speed up the child support process. Use the checklist in Opening A Child Support Case for information to bring to the FSD or local child support agency.

If the non­custodial parent cannot be found locally, his/her Social Security number will be checked against the records of other state agencies including the Department of Health Services, Department of Motors Vehicles, Employment Development Department, Franchise Tax Board, Board of Equalization, credit reporting agencies, and law enforcement agencies. If the search reveals that the parent has moved to another state, the other state and the Federal Parent Locator service will be asked to search for the parent.

Once the FSD or local child support agency has the current address of the non­custodial parent, they will verify the address and may tell the parent legal action is being or may be taken.

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