Employment Law -- Employee

Please Explain The New Hire Reporting Program?

All employers must report newly hired employees within 20 calendar days of their hire date, or twice monthly if reporting magnetically or electronically. The purpose of new hire reporting is to ensure accurate and prompt determination of child support obligations so that all children will receive the financial support they are entitled. The information also will be used to reduce fraud and abuse of unemployment insurance, food stamps, temporary assistance and Medicaid.

Employers must also provide the following minimal information:

  • name, address and social security number of the newly hired individual,
  • the name, address, and federal employer identification number of the hiring employer.

Employers are also asked to report:

  • the address to which the employer wants income withholding orders to be mailed (if different from the FEIN address), and
  • the date of hire (the date of hire, defined as the first day of work, will be used by IDES to identify who may be receiving UI benefits improperly).

Employers have the options of submitting information via:

  1. the New Hire Reporting form provided by the Illinois Department of Employment Security;
  2. copies of the employee’s W­4 form, with all information completed legibly, including the employer information;
  3. a separate listing of new employees, with the required data; or
  4. electronic or magnetic submission of data, reported twice monthly

Reports may be sent via first class mail, faxed, or emailed to the IDES:

Illinois New Hire Directory
P.O. Box 19473
Springfield, IL 62794­9473

PHONE: 1­800­327­HIRE (4473)

FAX: 1­217­557­1947

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