Unemployment Extension
Key Takeaways
- Extended benefits add 13 weeks of unemployment benefits when the state’s unemployment rate rises above a certain level.
- Extended benefits provide the same weekly benefit amount as under regular unemployment.
- Once you qualify for extended benefits, you must continue to certify according to state unemployment compensation requirements.
Unemployment benefits provide financial support for people who are out of work. Unemployment compensation is a federal program under the U.S. Department of Labor. However, states administer unemployment insurance. Unemployed workers who qualify can get weekly benefits and job search support until they can return to employment.
After your standard unemployment benefits run out, you may be eligible for extended benefits. This page has information about the Extended Benefits program for unemployment compensation. Unemployment programs are different in every state. Talk to an employment lawyer in your area for answers to your specific questions.
What Are Extended Unemployment Benefits?
Many workers struggle month-to-month, even with a full-time job. Unemployment insurance benefits provide assistance when you lose a job or have your hours reduced. Unemployment benefits can replace some of your lost income while you search for a new job or business opportunity.
The Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970 created the Extended Benefits program. The Extended Benefits program offers additional weeks of continued benefits after regular unemployment benefits run out. It only becomes active in states where the unemployment rate exceeds a certain threshold.
The federal government may establish special unemployment insurance (UI) programs to extend benefits. Federal laws can also extend benefits for people who are typically ineligible for unemployment insurance. For example, the government established a special UI program during the coronavirus pandemic.
How Long Do Extended Unemployment Benefits Last?
Regular state unemployment insurance provides approximately 26 weeks of benefits to qualifying workers. Extended benefits add 13 extra weeks of unemployment benefits when the state’s unemployment rate rises above a certain level.
The government may extend benefit payments of an additional seven weeks for a total of 20 weeks in times of exceptionally high unemployment. The government may extend benefits beyond 20 weeks in severe economic distress.
Several federal programs extended unemployment compensation benefits during the coronavirus pandemic. The CARES Act established the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program. This program extended unemployment assistance for up to 53 weeks.
If the state unemployment rate drops below the extended benefits limit, your extended benefits may stop.
What Are the Requirements To Qualify for Extended Benefits?
If you are fired for misconduct or quit your job may not be eligible for extended benefits. To qualify for extended benefits, you and other claimants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Be totally or partially unemployed through no fault of your own
- Have exhausted all regular unemployment insurance benefits
- Not be receiving benefits under any other program
- Have earned enough money during a base period
In most states, you do not need to file a new claim for extended benefits. The state may notify you of extended unemployment compensation.
The federal government can also expand who is eligible for regular benefits. For example, during the coronavirus pandemic, others who do not usually get UI benefits qualified, including:
- Business owners
- Self-employed workers
- Independent contractors
- People with a limited work history
- People who had used all their regular UI benefits and extended benefits
- People who were serving false statement penalty weeks on their regular UI claim
What Are the Requirements for Claiming Extended Benefits?
Once you qualify for extended benefits, you must continue to certify according to state unemployment compensation requirements.
You must continue to satisfy state work search requirements. That means you must continue looking for suitable work and documenting contacts with potential employers. However, some states waived their work search requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As with regular UI, a state may disqualify you if you do not accept an offer of suitable employment.
What Is the Weekly Benefit Amount on Extended Benefits?
Extended benefits provide the same weekly benefit amount as under regular unemployment. However, the federal government can modify the weekly benefit amount available to you.
An experienced attorney well-versed in employment law can help you navigate the system. You should consult a lawyer if you need help with the unemployment process in your state.
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