Car Accident Law

How Car Accidents Affect Your Mental Health

Key Takeaways

  • Car accidents can cause long-lasting emotional problems like stress, anxiety, and depression, which can affect everyday life.
  • It’s important to get help for both physical injuries and emotional distress after a car accident to improve overall health.
  • You might be able to get money for your mental health issues caused by a car accident by talking to a lawyer and possibly filing a lawsuit.

A car accident is a traumatic experience for anyone involved. Most people in an auto accident are immediately concerned with physical injuries. But like any traumatic event, victims can suffer lasting mental and emotional damage.

It is important to address both physical and psychological injuries after a traffic accident. Failing to address the psychological effects of a car accident can affect your physical health, well-being, and quality of life. For more information about your legal options after an accident and whether you can get compensation for psychological suffering, talk to a car accident attorney for help.

What Are the Psychological Effects of a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Car accidents can leave you with lasting mental trauma. Most feelings of stress are temporary. But when they go on for more than a few days or a few weeks, it may involve more serious mental health issues. Possible signs of emotional trauma for car accident survivors can include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Withdrawing from loved ones
  • Feeling low energy
  • Unexplained pains
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Substance abuse
  • Panic attacks
  • Feeling guilty
  • Suicidal thoughts or self-harm
  • Difficulty readjusting to life

Can a Car Accident Cause Emotional Distress?

Any car accident can be emotionally distressing, even if the physical damage to the vehicles or passengers is relatively minor. While many victims of car accidents find themselves successfully coping with emotional health issues, there is no set timetable for recovery.

Whether you were actually at fault for the crash, you may feel angry and responsible, leading to continuing stress or guilt. You might feel anger toward the driver who caused the accident. Pervasive feelings of guilt, shock, worry, fear, sadness, and many other negative emotions can surface after a motor vehicle accident.

If you have concerns about possible mental health effects, it’s just as important to get help from a mental health professional as it is to seek medical care if you suffer physical injuries. A change in your mental health can even stem from physical injuries. For example, a severe brain injury can cause significant changes in your mental health.

Long-Term Mental Health Effects of a Car Crash

The emotional or mental injuries caused by a car crash can find their way into all aspects of your daily life.

  • Lack of sleep can lead to poor performance at work
  • Lack of interest in your usual hobbies or creative pursuits
  • Distancing from your family, social, and romantic relationships

Anxiety about the crash is common after a car accident. A prolonged sense of uneasiness, nightmares, excessive worry, and fear of driving can be signs of persistent anxiety related to the crash.

Depression following an accident is also typical for many victims. Turning to drugs or alcohol as a coping strategy, lack of appetite, excessive sleep or lack of sleep, and suicidal thoughts can be symptoms that you are suffering from depression.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can also come after a road accident. PTSD symptoms can include replaying the incident repeatedly in your mind (excessive rumination) and flashbacks.

Remember that it’s normal to feel distressed, upset, or not quite yourself for a few days or weeks following the crash. If any other worrisome thoughts and feelings persist for longer, you should seek professional help. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has resources for finding mental health treatment at

How Can I Recover Damages After a Car Accident?

In cases where you’re suffering severe disruption to your day-to-day life or at your job, you may be able to recover financial compensation for your mental health struggles. But the insurance company may give you trouble collecting your insurance claim.

Damages in a car accident claim often include payment for physical injuries, like medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering. But damages can also cover emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and mental health care needs.

A personal injury lawsuit can hold the at-fault driver liable for your suffering. Talk to a personal injury attorney about your legal rights after a traumatic car accident.

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