Illinois Legal Resources

Overview of the Illinois Court System

The court system in Illinois might seem confusing or overwhelming at first, but a closer look will make it easier for you to understand.

There are three tiers of courts in Illinois: the circuit courts, the Appellate Court, and the Supreme Court.

The circuit courts, also known as trial courts, hear a broad range of civil and criminal cases, from small claims matters to felony trials. Illinois has 23 judicial circuits, and each one contains a circuit court. Depending on the size of the circuit, judges may hear cases in more than one county.

One tier above the circuit courts is the Appellate Court, which is divided into five judicial districts. This is the court that hears appeals of decisions in the circuit courts, either affirming or reversing the decisions of those courts.

The top tier is the Supreme Court, which hears appeals from the Appellate Court. The Supreme Court also handles administrative matters for the entire Illinois court system.

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