Berse Law, LLC

Family Law | Serving Westfield, NJ
908-643-7044Clients in the Westfield, New Jersey area who need legal help with Family issues can connect with Berse Law, LLC.
Free Consultation
Dedicated to Solving Your Family Law Matter
We handle all divorce, dissolution, non-dissolution, custody, parenting time, post-judgment, modifications, pre-marital (pre-nup)/pre-civil union agreements, appeals and other family law matters professionally, providing sound, practical advice and aggressive representation as warranted to achieve the goals of our clients. Divorce, dissolution, non-dissolution, separation, custody, parenting time and other family issues frequently cause or are accompanied by tremendous trauma or stress on the client, children and other family members. We address these concerns and keep the emotional, as well as financial, well-being of the client and the family as the primary goals throughout our representation.
Contact us today if you need legal assistance with any of the following:
- Child Custody & Visitation
- Child Support
- Collaborative
- Divorce
- Domestic Violence & Neglect
- Family Law
- Father’s Rights
- Litigation & Appeals
- Mediation & Collaborative Law
- Same-Sex Family Law
Call 908-643-7044 today to arrange your free initial consultation.
Attorney Jenny Berse
My practice is dedicated to Family Law. I have or had family matter cases in most counties of New Jersey including: Bergen, Essex, Union, Somerset, Middlesex, Morris, Monmouth, Ocean, Hudson, Hunterdon, Sussex, Burlington, Gloucester, Mercer, Passaic and Warren counties. The vast majority of my clients are referrals from current or past clients, other attorneys, therapists and even referrals from former spouses of my past clients.
I graduated from New York Law School, and was admitted to the practice of law in New Jersey in 2004. I graduated from New York University (NYU) in 1983 with a B.S. in Accounting. I worked as an auditor for Arthur Andersen in NYC and as the vice president of finance for a real estate syndication company. I have had extensive experience working in real estate, with financial matters, and also as a Realtor.
I am an active ESP Panelist in Essex County. In 2011, I completed both the Mediation for Family Law Training and the Collaborative Law Training, and I am a member of NJAPM – New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators. I am also a member of the AFCC, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.
I am a frequent lecturer, and was a panelist: in 2011 at NJICLE’s Brokering the Truce: Negotiating Family Law Settlements; in 2012 at NJICLE’s Creating and Managing Fee Agreements that Work; in 2013 at NJSBA’s Suddenly Successful; at the 2015 NJSBA Leadership Academy; in 2017 at NJICLE’s Practice Management Challenges for Family Lawyers; in 2018 at NJAJ’s Boardwalk Seminar “What Does a Family Lawyer do When the Client Needs a Guardian & Ethics on Guardianship;” in 2018 at NJICLE’s “What to do When you get that Emergency Call – Practical Tips for Lawyers in Emergency Situations;” in 2018 at NJICLE’s “Until Debt Due Us Part: What Every Family Lawyer Needs to Know About Bankruptcy and Divorce;” in 2019 at NJICLE’s “Child Custody Basics: Everything You Need to Handle Child Custody Matters in 2019;” in 2019 at NJICLE’s “Mastering Management in Your Family Law Practice – A Webinar,” in 2019 at NJICLE’s “Top 5 Profitability Boosters for Family Firms – A Webinar;” and in 2020 at NJICLE’s New Attorney MCLE Family Law program.
Attorney Samuel J. Berse
Sam joined Berse Law, LLC in September 2017. He graduated cum laude from the Seton Hall University School of Law in 2015, and thereafter completed two one-year clerkships: in 2016-2017 for the now-presiding Appellate Division Judge Marie P. Simonelli, P.J.A.D. (then-J.A.D.); and, in 2015-2016 for the Honorable Lisa M. Vignuolo, J.S.C. in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Middlesex County, Family Part. Sam’s experience working for the judiciary has given him extraordinary insight into the minds and perspectives of judges who preside over family law matters and adjudicate appeals. He is a proponent of mediation to resolve matters quickly and amicably, but in more litigious circumstances, his expertise allows him to counsel clients both in preparation for court and on what must be proven to the court in order to prevail.
In 2021, he received the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Young Lawyer’s Division Professional Achievement Award. In 2021, 2022, and 2023, he was selected by New Jersey Super Lawyers as a Rising Star.
Sam is admitted to the New Jersey State Bar, New York State Bar, and New Jersey Federal District Court. He is a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) and serves as the Union County Representative for the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Executive Committee, which is a voting member position of the NJSBA YLD Executive Committee. He is also Co-Chair of the NJSBA YLD Seminars Committee responsible for planning CLE events throughout the year including at the annual NJSBA Convention in May, and at the 2022 NJSBA Mid-Year meeting in Key West, where he created and moderated a seminar entitled “Financial Concerns with Special Needs Children.” Sam also serves as the New Jersey Bar Foundation Union County Mock Trial Coordinator for the annual Vincent J. Apruzzese High School Mock Trial Competition.
He is an active ESP Panelist in Middlesex County and alternate ESP panelist in Union County and a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association, the Union County Bar Association, the Middlesex County Bar Association, the Aldona E. Appleton Family Law Inn of Court, and former member of the Barry Croland Family Inn of Court. He has completed numerous continuing education classes far in excess of the attorney CLE requirements.
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