Richard F. Blass & Associates, LLC
Criminal Defense | Serving Elmhurst, IL
312-815-6693Let the practice of Richard F. Blass & Associates, LLC in Elmhurst, Illinois be your Criminal Defense advocate.
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Free Consultation
Our Experience Can Make All Of The Difference
Knowing what to do after you have been charged with a crime can be difficult. Many people are in shock. Some have never been charged with a crime before, and they have no idea where to begin.
The simple answer is you need to secure the representation of a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.
Even if you believe that there is no hope of winning your case, come in and discuss your situation with us. At Richard F. Blass & Associates, LLC, we have a proven record of being able to take the most challenging cases and turn them around. We thoroughly examine every possible way that we could win for our clients. By leaving no stone unturned, we are able to identify paths to victory that other attorneys may have missed.
Contact us today if you need legal assistance with any of the following:
- Drug Cases
- Sexual Offenses
- Traffic
Call 312-815-6693 today to arrange your free initial consultation.
Attorney Richard F. Blass
Richard Blass was admitted to the bar of the State of Illinois and the Federal Bar of the Northern District of Illinois in 2003. This year, he was sworn into the Bar of the United States Supreme Court. He received his undergraduate training at Lewis University, an MBA from Dominican University and a Juris Doctor from the John Marshall Law School.
Mr. Blass concentrates his practice in criminal defense and public safety labor law. Mr. Blass brings a unique prospective to the criminal defense bar by utilizing his experience as a former Special Prosecutor for the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office along with over twenty years with the Bellwood Police Department, retiring as the Deputy Chief of Police.
Mr. Blass takes his job seriously and understands what you have on the line. He personally tailors a defense to each and every client, unique to their individual set of circumstances, and remains available, at all times, to answer questions and keep you at ease.
Do you want a bulldog to level the playing field, making it known that you’re not just going to roll over and settle? You’ve come to the right place. He looks forward to hearing from you anytime, day or night. You may contact him directly at 630-517-2449
Bar Admissions:
- Illinois
- U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois, 2003
- John Marshall Law School
- Juris Doctor
- Lewis University
- Dominican University
- M.B.A.