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Why Hiring a Business Lawyer Is Important
If you are in the process of starting a business or need help with any business related issue, you should consider hiring a business lawyer to guide you through the process. Business lawyers not only assist you with every aspect of business law, they also help tackle any legal matters that arise with forming and running a business. Some of the other ways a business law attorney may be able to help you include:
- Assist you in forming a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, or a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Advise you on the best business formation for your needs
- Address the legal issues associated with forming businesses
- Help if you are being investigated for securities fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Defend you if a customer is severely injured by one of your products
- Defend you if a customer is injured on your premises
- Help research any possible intellectual property issues
- Research issues relating to hiring employees
- Register your businesses for federal, state, and local taxes
- Help your business acquire federal trademark and copyright protection
- Draft employment agreements
What Kinds of Cases Do Business Lawyers Accept?
Some cases handled by business law attorneys include the following:
- Banking
- Finance
- Business formation and organization
- Business negotiations
- Business planning
- Business transactions
- Acquisition
- Merger
- Divestiture and sale of businesses
- Business litigation
- Environmental law
- Intellectual property
Hiring a business lawyer will help put your mind at ease because you can be assured that your attorney will assist you with every aspect of your business.