What is Agriculture Law?
Agriculture law considers the role of government in agriculture as well as traditional transaction issues such as contracts, bailments, leasing, the marketing and storing of commodities, special secured financing rules relating to agriculture credit, and issues confronting landowners and the farming and livestock industries. There are many federal and state regulations governing these activities and their impact on farmers, farm workers, consumers, and the environment. Technology has also found its way to agriculture, which also raises issues on
intellectual property, trade, finance, credit, and general commercial transactions. Agriculture law legal issues include soil preparation, seed planting, crops, crop harvesting, gardening, horticulture, viticulture, apiculture (bee-raising), dairying, poultry, pest control and pesticides, and ranching in a commercial setting, as well as land use, use of natural resources, and
environmental rules.
What governs the agricultural industry?
Numerous federal statues subsidize, regulate or otherwise directly affect the agriculture industry. For example, the Federal Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection act provides protection for migrant and seasonal agricultural workers. Other laws provide financial assistance to farmers, and others provide assistance for the construction or improvement of farm housing and other agricultural needs. Some states have also statues relating to agricultural production and labor.
Should I hire a agriculture attorney?
These days, farmers and ranchers must deal not only with the general laws relating to commercial transactions and real estate, but are also faced with questions regarding water rights, environmental rules, finance, credit, and litigation concerning government programs. Due to the evolving nature of agriculture and the peculiar impact of tax, growth management, water use, chemical regulation and other laws affecting this industry it is in your best interest to consult with a
lawyer who specializes in this area of law. Our
attorney search will help you find qualified
attorneys specializing in agriculture law to assist you with your legal needs.