Top Mound, MN Second Degree Murder Lawyers Near You

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

310 4th Avenue South, Suite 5010, Minneapolis, MN 55415

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

90 S 7th St, Suite 2200, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

80 S 8th Street, Suite 900, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

100 S. Fifth Street, Suite 1900, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

80 South 8th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

7900 Xerxes Avenue S, Suite 220, Bloomington, MN 55431

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

100 S Washington Ave, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, MN 55401

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

400 S 4th Street, Floor 3, Minneapolis, MN 55415

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

80 S 8th St, Suite 900, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

150 South 5th Street, Suite 1490, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

5200 Willson Rd, Suite 150, Edina, MN 55424

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

200 Coon Rapids Blvd NW, #400, Coon Rapids, MN 55433

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

3109 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

105 5th Ave S Ste 550, Minneapolis, MN 55401

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

21330 John Milless Drive, Suite 201, Rogers, MN 55374

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

11670 Fountains Dr., Suite 200, Maple Grove, MN 55369

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

287 East 6th St, Suite 20, St. Paul, MN 55101

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

901 S Marquette Ave, Suite 2100, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

80 S 8th St, Suite 2800, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Second Degree Murder Lawyers | Serving Mound, MN

609 S. 10th St, Suite 200 A, Minneapolis, MN 55404

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Mound Second Degree Murder Information

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Lead Counsel Verified Attorneys in Mound

Lead Counsel independently verifies Second Degree Murder attorneys in Mound and checks their standing with Minnesota bar associations.

Our Verification Process and Criteria

  • Ample Experience

    Attorneys must meet stringent qualifications and prove they practice in the area of law they’re verified in.
  • Good Standing

    Be in good standing with their bar associations and maintain a clean disciplinary record.
  • Annual Review

    Submit to an annual review to retain their Lead Counsel Verified status.
  • Client Commitment

    Pledge to follow the highest quality client service and ethical standards.

The Average Total Federal Prison Sentence for Second Degree Murder in Minnesota

0.00 months *

* based on 2021 Individual Offenders - Federal Court sentencing in Minnesota federal courts. See Sentencing Data Information for complete details.

What Is Second Degree Murder?

Second degree murder is a form of homicide, which is a criminal offense pertaining to killing a person. Generally, this crime is defined as the intentional killing of another person without premeditation. This may occur when a person only intended to cause physical harm to another person, or when one demonstrates an extreme indifference to human life and causes the death of another. The exact definition of this crime depends on the each individual state, so what may be considered second degree murder in Minnesota may different than another jurisdiction. Some states may not use the specific term “second degree murder,” and may opt for another legal term or divide this offense into different degrees.

What Is The Punishment for Second Degree Murder?

Even though second degree murder is a step down from first degree murder, it is considered a serious crime that may come with severe penalties if found guilty. A second degree murder conviction is criminal sentence that may include jail time, heavy fines, parole, probation, community service, mandatory counseling, and more.

Since each state has their own definition of this offense, a Minnesota can give you a better understanding of how this criminal offense is treated in your state and let you know if there are any minimum or maximum sentencing requirements in your jurisdiction.

Should I Seek Legal for a Second Degree Murder Charge in Minnesota?

Specialized legal help is available for most criminal charges and legal issues, including second degree murder. Since the facts and circumstances of each case are unique, seeking legal help is an important first step in understanding how Minnesota law applies to your case and starting on a path towards putting this situation in the past. An experienced Mound lawyer understands the local laws or criminal code pertaining to your case and can provide counsel as to what your best legal options may be.

How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help Me?

Navigating the criminal justice system on your own can be overwhelming, but working with an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help alleviate this stress. Second degree murder cases are handled by criminal defense lawyers who are familiar with dealing with these types of charges. A lawyer has a deeper understanding of the local criminal laws, which can be important to better protecting your rights, properly filing court documentation, and ensuring the best outcome for your case. Your attorney may be able to help you with issues like reducing bail, answering questions about your case, challenging your arrest or evidence gathered by police, and creating a strong legal defense to present in court. Since lawyers are familiar with the local court system, your attorney may be able to work with the prosecutor to negotiate a plea bargain or less serious charge as well.

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