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Product Liability law
Product liability law seeks to ensure those who are injured as the result of using a defective or otherwise unsafe product are compensated for their injuries. Furthermore, product liability law also seeks to deter manufacturers from allowing unsafe products from entering the stream of commerce. Unfortunately, many products are notorious for causing injuries including prescription medications and automobiles. However any product can be made unsafe under the right circumstances. Buyers, users, and bystanders can potentially sue for damages or injuries caused by defects in commercial goods.
Product Liability Lawyers
Product liability lawyers represent those who have suffered injuries as the result of using a product that was made unsafe as the result of a product defect. A product liability lawyer is a type of personal injury attorney who helps victims get back on their feet after sustaining a serious injury. Defective products can lead to serious injuries, and may even lead to death. In cases where a close family member has died the surviving members can hire a product liability lawyer to potentially file a wrongful death lawsuit against the product manufacturer and vendor.
Should I Hire a Product Liability Attorney?
If you or loved one has suffered a serious injury as the result of using a defective product it's important to consider all of your legal options, which includes speaking with an experienced product liability attorney. Your product liability attorney will be able you:
- Establish a link between the use of the defective product and your injuries
- Open a dialogue with the manufacturer and seller of the defective product
- File the appropriate court documents and begin negotiating a settlement with the defendant(s)
- Collect evidence and prove fault on behalf of the defendant(s)
- Get your medical bills and other outstanding debts accrued during your injury paid or postponed
- Get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries
- Help make sure no one else is injured by the same product that hurt you
All product liability attorneys featured on LawInfo offer our website visitors free consultations to help evaluate your case.