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Interstate Custody Cases
An interstate custody case oftentimes is made more complicated if a determination of jurisdiction (choice of applicable state law to apply) has to be made. An attorney who specializes in interstate child custody can help you understand the law and your rights.
Contention of custody in an interstate case is subject to time limitations. When a child is out of state against the will of the custodial parent, that parent may have limited time and options to recover the child. Moving a child out of state without consent is a violation of your custodial parent rights, the rights of your child, and the law.
How an Interstate Child Custody Attorney Can Help
An experienced interstate custody attorney can assist you with any or all of the following matters:
- Explain jurisdictional issues
- Determine whether it is best to fight to have the laws of your state prevail or to submit to the laws of the other state
- Where necessary, help you establish your child’s connections to your state, or that the child is safer with you in the state where you reside
- Prepare and file court documents
- Gather and present evidence in support of your case
- Appear in court with you as your representative