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Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a common disorder the starts at birth and affects a person’s muscle tone, ability to control movement, and motor skills. Those afflicted with this illness may also suffer from mental difficulties or retardation. However, not all diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy suffer from a diminished intelligence. Causes of Cerebral Palsy typically include heat trauma or oxygen deprivation in the womb or during birth. Cerebral palsy is a permanent illness and there is no cure.
Cerebral Palsy Lawyers
Cerebral Palsy lawyers are attorneys who specialize in representing victims and family members who have suffered as a result of this often debilitating disease. When doctors or hospital staff are negligent in their duties the repercussions can be significant. In cases where a doctor or nurse failed to exercise a high level of proficiency when consulting a pregnant during regarding her pregnancy, or during the birthing process, the consequences can be a child born with Cerebral Palsy. In cases where a link can be established between medical negligence or recklessness and an illness, a Cerebral Palsy lawyer can help the victims recover for their injuries.
Should I Hire a Cerebral Palsy Attorney?
When a child is born with Cerebral Palsy it’s only natural for the parents to want to blame others while they cope with the situation. Hospital staff and doctors may try to persuade the parents to not seek legal action but that’s not necessarily the right strategy, or in the best interests of the parents. If you child was born with Cerebral Palsy you should consider exploring all of your options, which includes speaking with an experienced Cerebral Palsy attorney. A Cerebral Palsy attorney can help you get medical proof that hospital or doctor negligence was or was not the cause of your child’s illness. If it was, then your attorney will help you get monetary relief that can help you support your child for his or her entire life.