Top Breach of Business Contract Lawyers Near You

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Why Contacting a Breach of Business Contract Attorney Is Important

If you are accused of breach of contract or if you are claiming that someone else is in breach of a contract with you, it is important to contact an attorney. Although many business professionals have experience negotiating and maybe even drafting business contracts, breach of contract claims often involve monetary damages and it is best to contact a legal professional to ensure you get the protection you need. In a breach of business contract dispute, there are multiple possible remedies.

  • Compensatory Damages – These are damages, typically in monetary form, that are awarded to the non-breaching party in an effort to compensate for the breaching parties actions.
  • Liquidation Damages – Liquidation damages are specified in the contract and awarded to the non-breaching party.
  • Nominal Damages – If there was not a significant monetary loss due to the breach of contract, the non-breaching party may be awarded nominal damages.
  • Punitive Damages – Punitive damages are intended to punish the breaching party.

As you can see, there are many different outcomes in a breach of contract case and the damages can be significant. Entering a breach of contract dispute without legal representation may result in paying more than you should or not receiving as much as you deserve. Search for a breach of business contract attorney in your area today.

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