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What Do Aviation Attorneys Do?

Aviation litigation can be very complicated, as it involves many potential theories of liability under state, federal and even international law. Therefore, it is very important to hire an attorney who is experienced in aviation litigation and has a thorough understanding of aircraft function and safety and FAA regulations. If you may be liable for an airplane accident, search for an attorney who is experienced aviation litigation today.

Damages for Airplane Accidents

Some of the recoverable damages in a claim arising from an airplane accident include:

  • Medical expenses (past and future)
  • Lost wages and lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering (past and future)
  • Emotional distress
  • Punitive damages

Each jurisdiction may differ with respect to the damages that may be recovered and some also impose maximum recovery amounts in certain categories.

Should I Hire an Aviation Attorney?

Yes, if you are a plane crash victim or a survivor you have basic rights under state, federal, and even international law. Corporations facing investigations pertaining to breach of warranty and product liability commercial actions, lawsuits arising from aircraft accidents, FAA matters, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) proceedings and other matters pertaining to this heavily-regulated field should immediately consult with an aviation attorney. Use our attorney directory to find an attorney specializing in aviation law to assist you with your legal needs.

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