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Asset Protection Trust Attorneys

If you are an individual with significant assets, it is important to feel secure that your assets are protected from aggressive creditors. Asset protection trusts are one way that people can shield assets from the adverse effects of taxation, bankruptcy, litigation, or divorce. These types of trusts do not generally exist in the United States, and are normally created offshore in places such as Belize or the Cook Islands, and are governed and created by the laws of the jurisdiction where they are located. As a result, it is important to consult with a specialized asset protection trust attorney in order to ensure that you are effectively protecting your assets.

How an Asset Protection Lawyer can Help

Some of the ways an asset protection attorney can help you protect your assets include:

  • Determining what assets should be placed in the trust
  • Advising you on the type of trust that best suits your needs
  • Creating the trust and drafting all necessary documents
  • Draft trust provisions in such a way as to maximize protection from creditors

An asset protection trust can be an extremely effective way to protect your assets from creditors. In order to maximize the trust’s effectiveness, you should contact an attorney who specializes in asset protection and trust creation.

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