Legal Claims When Cosmetic Surgery Goes Wrong

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Deciding to have cosmetic surgery can be both exciting and stressful. Often patients are very excited about the idea of improving their looks, whether to correct a problem or simply enhance certain features. However, just like any other medical procedure, things can go wrong during plastic surgery. If you wake up horrified at the results, you may be wondering if you can sue for malpractice. Well, sometimes you can. While you generally can’t sue just because you’re not pleased with the results, if the surgeon made a mistake or didn’t perform the surgery properly, you may have a malpractice claim. Seek both medical and legal advice if the procedure has left you with problems you didn’t expect or weren’t disclosed to you, such as nerve damage, excessive pain or an inability to return to normal activity. If you believe you may be the victim of plastic surgery malpractice, contact an experienced attorney. Ask them if they offer free consultation to review the circumstances involved in your procedure and to find out if you can sue for injury.

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